Yes, the Social Democrats can lose!

Many Swedes don't think the Social Democrats can lose an election. Many of the voters I've met at the doorstep are very surprised to hear that a government can make cuts in their social security.

Today, all pollsters give the same picture. The right wing is ahead - not with a large margin but ahead. Even though I fear that some voters choose to go with the flow, there is one thing with this that can accually be good. Voters see that the Social Democrats will lose, unless we get their active support. This can many people take the decision to vote and avoid a change of system. And many voters who are thinking of picking another party see that they can't be so luxorious - they need to vote for a party that will make the 4 percent and get into Parliament.

Yesterday's TV debate was a success for the left. The three parties - the Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Greens - had a very efficient co-operation and won most of the issues that were debated. The right wing alliance was clearly on the defensive, for almost the first time during this election campaign.

Tomorrow night we'll know the future for Sweden. It's decided by all those voters who are doubting their choice, even when entering the polling station. The bets are high now.


Anonym sa…
Hei, kamerat! Broderfolket i vest har fulgt valgkampen med stor interesse. det er nesten for spennende. Jeg har tro på happy ending, selv om metningarna i dag ikke var så gode. keep the faith! Jeg har stor tro på at svenskene slår ring om Folkhemmet når det gjelder. Her i Norge sliter Arbeiderpartiet nasjonalt, men her i Trondheim og Trøndelag ligger vi ca 10 prosent over landsgjennomsnittet og her føres en radikal og god politikk. Du vet ikke hur mycket jag håppas det blir "We are the champions" imorron, og ikke "It`s the end of the World as we know it"... Fingers crossed!!!!! Hvis de mørkeblå overtar Sverige kan du sikkert få opphold på humanitært grunnlag her i Norge, der det er rød/grønt flertallsstyre. Men god forbid - det går nok bra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.. håper jeg.

Lykke til, kamerat!

Jo Stein, norsk sosialdemokrat

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