Stephen King wrote the script for the Swedish election

At the doorstep, the 2006 election campaign seems very possible to win for us Social Democrats. I've been knocking on doors for a little more than a week, and most voters are interested in what we have to say. Voters agree that we should invest in public services rather than cutting benefits in social insurances and doing massive tax cuts. Especially our proposal on a dental care reform making dental care free of charge for everyone aged up to 24 and strongly subsidized for the rest is very popular among voters.

For a couple of weeks, polls have sent a different message as many left-wing voters hasn't yet taken the step to say that they will vote for the Social Democrats. But now, momentum in the election campaign seems to be moving from the right-wing opposition to us.

Today, a Sifo poll confirms the results of two earlier polls this week and shows a dramatic increase for the Social Democrats and a simultanious loss for the Conservatives. Last week's 7 per cent lead for the right wing is now gone and the red-green parties are now neck-and-neck. Only one pollster, Temo, still has the right-wing alliance in a 3 per cent lead.

Svenska Dagbladet's analyst Göran Eriksson writes in today's paper that "Stephen King wrote the script for this year's election campaign". New polls will come each day, showing dramatic shifts as new undecided voters pick their party. Hopefully, the very nature of this narrow race will mean that many people will show up for the polls and vote to stick to the Swedish Model.

As always, the battle takes place in two fronts - the media and the direct communication with the voters. We Social Democrats are outstanding in the latter, and now our campaign machine is starting to reach full mobilisation.

The Stephen King novel will last until election day, so there is no time to rest. We have literally got a campaign here. They can spin - we will win!


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