Lieberman's loss - Americans turn against Iraq war

One of the most senior politicians in the Democratic Party, the senator and former candidate for vice president Joe Lieberman, lost the Connecticut primary tonight to Ned Lamont. The big issue that made voters turn against Lieberman was the war in Iraq. Lamont accused Lieberman and said that he "talks like George W Bush and acts like George W Bush", and this seems to have worked. New York Times discribe the race as "A Referendum on Iraq Policy".

Even though Lamont is a multi-millionaire, he seem to be quite left wing with American standards. During the campaign, he pushed for universal preschool and expanded health insurance.

But the US is not the only country where the party right-wingers' support for the war in Iraq has put them out of touch with the electorate. I have written on the challenge on Blair from John McDonnell, but now new challenges come from the very centre of the Labour Party. The former Blair supporter Neal Lawson, who heads the left-of-centre think tank Compass, is attacking the Leader's speech about being beyong left and right. Chris McCafferty MP joins her Constituency Labour Party's motion demanding Blair to resign "as soon as practicable".

The question now is who will be the party centre's candidate for a new Leader of the Labour Party. Will there be a serious challenge to Gordon Brown coming from the party's mainstream?

Read more on Lieberman's loss in New York Times. Read what The Daily wrote on the race weeks ago - The Daily has followed the development on a daily basis. Read more about the motion on Blairs resignation in The Daily. Read Neal Lawson's article in The Guardian.


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