The June List - Sweden's Tories?

Daraka asked "What are you guys going to do to distinguish left anti-Europeanism from right anti-Europeanism?" Well, I don't think we need to do a lot to be honest. A couple of the most distinguished left wing people who joined the June List from the start has left because it's right wing. Lars Wohlin, June List MEP, has also just published an article in Dagens Industri arguing for the party line that public spending must be reduced as a share of GDP in order to reduce taxes.

On-going discussions in Brussels seem to clear this out once and for all. A couple of weeks ago, speculations in Swedish media started that the June List are to leave the IND-DEM group to join the European Free Alliance (ALE), a group of nationalist parties linked to the Green group (fun comment on their opinion on the future map of Europe here). The June List has long had problems with the Italian Lega Nord taking part in the same group as them. But I don't think the June List joining this group is very likely.

The new Tory leader David Cameron has declared that his party will leave the Conservative EPP-EP group in the European Parliament. Speculations in the UK now are that these "three eccentric Swedes" are to join the new group that will be formed by the Tories and some Eastern European parties whose criticism to the EU is that it isn't the US.


Hej Peter.
Läser med intresse din blogg. Hoppas allt är bra med dig. Blev förvånad när jag såg att Anna Hedh inte röstade mot förslaget till tjänstedirektiv utan valde att lägga ner sin röst i utskottet. Varför gör hon på detta viset?

Eva-Lena Jansson
Tjena Peter,
Tack för en intressant blogg! Tänkte bara passa på att meddela att länken som finns på till dig inte fungerar, tror att det är nån punkt för mycket.

God Jul!

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